Thursday, November 29, 2007

Chapter 23: Pregnancy, Growth, and Development quiz

I. Introduction

A. A zygote is formed when________________________________________________

B. Growth refers to_______________________________________________________

C. Development is________________________________________________________


D. The two life phases are__________________________________________________

E. The prenatal phase extends_______________________________________________

F. The postnatal phase extends______________________________________________

II. Pregnancy

A. Introduction

1. Pregnancy is_____________________________________________________

2. Fertilization is____________________________________________________

B. Transport of Sex Cells

1. Before fertilization can occur, a__________________________________ must

be ovulated and enter________________________________________________

2. To reach the secondary oocyte, sperm cells must_________________________


3. Prostoglandins in semen ______________________of sperm tails and _______

_____________________________within the wall of the uterus and uterine tube.

4. ________________________________ sperm cells reach the secondary oocyte.

5. Usually only____________________________ fertilizes the secondary oocyte.

6. A secondary oocyte survives________________________ following ovulation.

7. Sperms cells survive_____________________ in the female reproductive tract.

B. Fertilization

1. The corona radiata is______________________________________________

2. The zona pellucida is located________________________________________

3. The function of an acrosome is______________________________________


4. ________________________________________________ reduces the chance that other sperm cells will penetrate the secondary oocyte.

5. Once a sperm cell enters the oocyte’s cytoplasm, the secondary oocyte_______


III. Prenatal Period

A. Introduction

1. The prenatal period usually last for ___________________________________

2. The three periods of the prenatal period are_____________________________


B. Period of Cleavage

1. The events of cleavage are__________________________________________


2. Blastomeres are__________________________________________________


3. A morula is______________________________________________________

4. A blastocyst is___________________________________________________


5. The two regions of cells of a blastocyst are_____________________________


6. The inner cell mass gives rise to______________________________________

7. The trophoblast gives rise to_________________________________________

8. The events of implantation are_______________________________________


9. Implantation begins normally about___________________________________

and is completed during the ______________________________of development.

10. Following implantation, cells of the trophoblast secrete__________________

11. The placenta is__________________________________________________

12. The placenta functions to__________________________________________



C. Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy

1. The hormone hCG normally helps prevent_____________________________

2. The effects of hCG are_____________________________________________


3. The corpus luteum secretes__________________________________________


4. The placenta secretes______________________________________________


5. The effects of estrogens and progesterone are___________________________


6. The effect of placental lactogen is____________________________________


7. The effects of relaxin are___________________________________________


8. The effect of aldosterone is_________________________________________


9. The effect of PTH is_______________________________________________


D. Other Changes During Pregnancy

1. The uterus eventually extends_______________________________________


2. The increase in size of the uterus puts pressure on________________________


3. Other maternal factors that increase during pregnancy are_________________


E. Embryonic Stage

1. The embryonic stage extends from___________________________________


2. The events of the embryonic period include____________________________


3. Primary germ layers are_________________________________________ and

form during________________________________________________________

4. A gastrula is_____________________________________________________

5. The connecting stalk is_____________________________________________


6. Gastrulation is___________________________________________________


7. Ectoderm gives rise to_____________________________________________


8. Mesoderm gives rise to_____________________________________________


9. Endoderm gives rise to_____________________________________________


10. The chorion is___________________________________________________


11. Chorionic villi are________________________________________________


12. Lacunae are____________________________________________________


13. Major events of the fourth week of development are____________________



14. Major events of the fifth through seventh weeks of development are_______



15. Major events of the eighth week of development are____________________



16. The placental membrane is composed of______________________________


17. Substances that are exchanged across the placental membrane are__________


18. The embryonic portion of the placenta is composed of___________________


19. The maternal portion of the placenta is composed of____________________


20. The amnion is___________________________________________________


21. The function of amniotic fluid is____________________________________



22. The umbilical cord is formed from___________________________________


23. The three blood vessels found in the umbilical cord are__________________


24. The yolk sac is__________________________________________________


25. The allantois is__________________________________________________


26. The amniochorionic membrane is____________________________________


27. The embryonic stage concludes_____________________________________


28. Teratogens are__________________________________________________


F. Fetal Stage

1. The fetal stage is__________________________________________________


2. The major events of the ninth through twelfth week of development are______



3. The major events of the thirteenth through sixteenth week of development are



4. The major events of the seventeenth through twentieth week of development are



5. The major events of the twenty-first through thirty-eighth week of development



G. Fetal Blood and Circulation

1. Fetal hemoglobin is different from maternal hemoglobin in that_____________


2. The function of the umbilical vein is__________________________________


3. The function of the ductus venosus is_________________________________


4. The function of the foramen ovale is__________________________________


5. The function of the ductus arteriosus is________________________________


6. The function of the umbilical arteries is________________________________


H. Birth Process

1. Uterine contractions are stimulated at the beginning of the birth process by___


2. The release of oxytocin is stimulated by_______________________________


3. The functions of oxytocin are_______________________________________


4. Labor is said to be controlled by a positive feedback mechanism because_____


5. Afterbirth is_____________________________________________________

6. Involution is_____________________________________________________


I. Milk Production and Secretion

1. Hormones that stimulate further development of breasts during pregnancy are


2. The actions of estrogens on the breasts are_____________________________


3. The actions of progesterone on the breasts are___________________________


4. The actions of prolactin on the breasts are______________________________


5. Colostrum_______________________________________________________


6. Myoepithelial cells are_____________________________________________


7. Mechanical stimulation of the nipples signals___________________________


8. The actions of oxytocin on the breasts are______________________________


9. Inhibition of prolactin is triggered by_________________________________


10. A woman who is breastfeeding generally does not ovulate because_________


IV. Postnatal Period

A. Introduction

1. The postnatal period extends________________________________________

2. The major divisions of the postnatal period are__________________________


B. Neonatal Period

1. The neonatal period extends from____________________________________

2. A newborn’s first breath is crucial because_____________________________


3. The first breath is forceful because___________________________________


4. The metabolic rate of a newborn is___________________________________

5. The liver of a newborn cannot_______________________________________

6. The newborn uses________________________________________ for energy.

7. The kidneys of a newborn are unable to_______________________________

8. A newborn is susceptible to dehydration because________________________


9. Body temperature is unstable in a newborn because______________________


10. The cardiovascular adjustments of the newborn are_____________________



C. Infancy

1. Infancy is_______________________________________________________

2. Major events of infancy are_________________________________________


D. Childhood

1. Childhood is_____________________________________________________

2. Major events of childhood are_______________________________________


E. Adolescence

1. Adolescence is___________________________________________________

2. Major events of adolescence are_____________________________________


F. Adulthood

1. Adulthood is____________________________________________________


2. By the third decade, obvious signs of aging are_________________________


3. In the fourth decade, developmental changes are________________________


4. The developmental changes during the fifth decade are___________________


5. Developmental changes during the sixth decade are______________________


G. Senescence

1. Senescence is____________________________________________________

2. Senescence is the result of__________________________________________


3. Major events of senescence include___________________________________


4. Death usually results from__________________________________________


V. Aging

A. Introduction

1. Aging is difficult to analyze because__________________________________


2. Gerontology is___________________________________________________


B. Passive Aging

1. Passive aging entails_______________________________________________

2. At the molecular level, passive aging is seen in__________________________


3. A free radical is__________________________________________________

4. The role of free radicals in aging is___________________________________


C. Active Aging

1. Active signs of aging are___________________________________________


2. Apoptosis is_____________________________________________________

D. The Human Life Span

1. The human life span is_____________________________________________

2. Life expectancy is________________________________________________

3. Life expectancy approaches life span as_______________________________


4. Life expectancy had increased because________________________________


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