Muscular System
Part A
1. List the three types of muscle tissue.
The three types of muscle tissue are: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.
2. Distinguish between a tendon and an aponeurosis.
A tendon is a projection of connective tissue beyond the ends of the muscle that attaches to bone. An
aponeurosis is a broad fibrous sheet of connective tissue that connects muscles to adjacent muscles.
3. Describe the connective tissue coverings of a skeletal muscle.
Muscle fibers are grouped together in fascicles that are surrounded by a layer of connective tissue called the endomysium. The fascicles are bundled together and surrounded by another layer of connective tissue called the perimysium, which also fills the spaces between the fascicles. Several layers of fibrous connective tissue called the epimysium, which surrounds the entire muscle, then cover the perimysium.
4. Distinguish between deep fascia, subcutaneous fascia, and subserous fascia.
Deep fascia is the portion of the network of the fasciae that surrounds and penetrates the muscles.
Subcutaneous fascia is the portion that lies just beneath the skin forming the subcutaneous layer. Subserous fascia is the portion that forms the connective tissue layer of the serous membranes covering organs in various body cavities and lining those cavities.
5. List the major parts of a skeletal muscle fiber, and describe the function of each part.
A muscle fiber is a single, multinucleated cell, which contracts when stimulated. It is a thick, elongated cylinder with rounded ends that may extend the entire length of the muscle. Its component parts are:
a. Sarcolemma—The specific name for a muscle fiber’s cell membrane.
b. Sarcoplasm—The specific name for a muscle fiber’s cytoplasm. It contains the many small, oval nuclei and mitochondria.
c. Myofibrils—The numerous, threadlike proteins that lie parallel to one another and are contained in the
sarcoplasm. The arrangement of the two proteins below produces the striations seen in the skeletal muscle.
1. Myosin—The primary protein of the myofibril. It is a thick protein filament running longitudinally within the muscle fiber.
2. Actin—The thin protein filaments arranged intertwined within the myosin filaments.
The alternating light and dark striations are named for their positions within the fiber.
1. A bands—The primary location of the myosin filaments that produces the dark striations.
2. I bands—The primary location of the actin filaments that produces the light striations.
3. Z lines—The attachment point of the actin filaments at the ends of I bands. They are arranged so that those of adjacent myofibrils side by side.
d. Sarcomere—The segment of the myofibril between two successive Z lines. This regular arrangement causes the muscle fiber to appear striated.
e. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (S.R.)—The specific name for the endoplasmic reticulum. The network of membranous channels that surround each myofibril running parallel to them.
f. Transverse tubules (T-tubules)—The invaginations of the fiber’s sarcoplasm that extend inward and pass completely through the fiber. It is open to the outside of the sarcoplasm at both ends and contains extracellular fluid. Each T-tubule likes between two enlarged portions of the S.R., called cisternae, near the regions where the actin and myosin filaments overlap. With the S.R., the T-tubules activate the muscle contraction mechanism.
6. Describe a neuromuscular junction.
Each skeletal muscle fiber is connected to a fiber from a nerve cell called a motor neuron. The muscle fiber
contracts only when stimulated by this specific fiber. At the connection point between the never fiber and the muscle fiber, the muscle fiber’s sarcolemma is tightly coiled and heavily concentrated with mitochondria. This region is known as the motor end plate. The branches of the motor nerve fiber project into recesses (synaptic clefts) of the motor end plates and the distal ends are filled with mitochondria and synaptic vesicles that store chemicals called neurotransmitters. This entire region is known as a neuromuscular junction.
7. Define motor unit, and explain how the numbers of fibers within a unit affects muscular contractions.
The nerve fibers of a motor neuron are highly branched. Each of these branches is connected to the motor end plate of a single muscle fiber. When the motor neuron is stimulated, the impulse is carried to all of the muscle fibers attached to its branches. In this way a single motor neuron controls the contractions of many muscle fibers. All the muscle fibers attached to this motor neuron and the motor neuron itself constitute a motor unit.
The fewer muscle fibers in the motor unit, the finer the movements that can be produced.
8. Explain the function of a neurotransmitter substance.
A neurotransmitter is a chemical stored in the synaptic vesicles, which, when stimulated by a nerve impulse, is released into the gap at the motor end plate and stimulates the fiber to contract.
9. Describe the major events that occur when a muscle fiber contracts.
Muscle fiber contraction is a complex process involving a number of cell parts and chemical substances that result in the sliding movement of the actin and myosin filaments and causes a contraction. A myosin filament is composed of protein strands with globular ends called cross-bridges that extend outward along the length of the filament. The actin filaments have ADP molecules attached to its surface that serve as active sites for linking the cross-bridges of the myosin filaments.
Although the process is not completely understood, the sliding filament theory suggests that the myosin cross-bridge attaches to an actin active site and bends slightly, pulling the actin with it. It releases its attachment, straightens, and combines with another active site further down the actin filament, causing the sarcomere to shorten.
When the nerve impulse reaches the distal end of its branch, acetylcholine is released into the gap. The
acetylcholine diffuses rapidly across the motor end plate and combines with protein receptors in the
sarcolemma. This causes a muscle impulse to be generated and pass in all directions over the entire
sarcolemma, and through the T-tubules deep into the fiber. The S.R., which contains a high concentration of calcium ions, becomes more permeable and allows the ions to diffuse into the sarcoplasm. When a high enough concentration is present in the sarcoplasm, the linkages between the actin and myosin filaments occur and contraction takes place. The calcium ions are moved quickly back into the S.R. by an active transport system (calcium pump). When enough calcium ions have been removed from the sarcoplasm, the muscle relaxes. At the same time, the acetylcholine is rapidly decomposed by the enzyme cholinesterase. This prevents a single nerve impulse from causing a sustained contraction.
10. Explain how ATP and creatine phosphate function in muscle contraction.
The basic energy source for muscle contraction comes from ATP molecules supplied by the mitochondria. The cross-bridges of myosin contain the enzyme ATPase that causes ATP to decompose into ADP and phosphate, thereby releasing energy. The primary source of regeneration of ATP from ADP is creatine phosphate.
Creatine phosphate contains high-energy phosphate bonds and is four to six times more abundant in the muscle fibers than ATP. Creatine phosphate cannot directly supply energy to the muscle fiber. Instead, it acts as a storehouse of energy for the ADP. In the mitochondria, the enzyme creatine phosphokinase creates creatine phosphate to be used for ATP synthesis. The creatine phosphate, in turn, converts ADP into ATP by resupplying the phosphate molecule.
11. Describe how oxygen is supplied to skeletal muscles.
Oxygen is carried from the lungs by hemoglobin in the blood. When the hemoglobin reaches the muscle, the oxygen is transferred to the myoglobin in the muscle fiber. Myoglobin is similar to hemoglobin in its oxygen capacity, and reduces the muscle’s need for continuous blood supply during contraction.
12. Describe how an oxygen debt may develop.
When skeletal muscles have been used where they have exceeded their oxygen reserves, anaerobic respiration must take over. Anaerobic respiration changes glucose into pyruvic acid, and due to the lack of oxygen, the pyruvic acid is converted into lactic acid. The lactic acid diffuses out of the muscles and is taken to the liver by the blood. The liver can change lactic acid back into glucose: however, this conversion also requires the use of ATP. During strenuous exercise, primarily the muscles and not the liver use the oxygen, so the lactic acid accumulates. Oxygen debt then, is defined as the amount of oxygen needed by the liver to convert the lactic acid back into glucose, plus the amount needed by the muscles to resynthesize ATP and creatine phosphate and return them to their original concentrations. Because the conversion of lactic acid into glucose is a slow process, it may take several hours to repay the oxygen debt.
13. Explain how muscles may become fatigued and how a person’s physical condition may affect tolerance to fatigue.
If a muscle is exercised strenuously for a long period, it may lose its ability to contract. This is called muscle fatigue. This condition may result from an interruption in a muscle’s blood supply or from the depletion of acetylcholine in the motor nerve fibers. The most common cause of muscle fatigue is due to the accumulation of lactic acid from anaerobic respiration. The lactic acid causes factors, such as pH, to change so that the muscle fibers no longer respond. Occasionally, a muscle becomes fatigued and develops a cramp simultaneously. A cramp is a painful condition in which the muscle contracts spasmodically, but does not completely relax. This may be caused by a lack of ATP. A person who exercises can stimulate new capillaries to grow within the muscles, supplying more oxygen and nutrients to the muscle fibers. This will allow more aerobic respiration to take place, thereby decreasing dependence on anaerobic respiration, which results in less lactic acid buildup.
14. Explain how actions of skeletal muscles affect maintenance of body temperature.
Two-thirds of the energy released in cellular respiration is lost as heat. Muscle accounts for most of the total body mass so when muscles are active, large amounts of heat are produced. This is circulated throughout the body by the blood thereby supporting the maintenance of body temperature.
15. Define threshold stimulus.
A muscle fiber remains unresponsive until a certain amount of stimulus is applied. This minimal strength
required is called the threshold stimulus.
16. Explain all-or-none response.
When a muscle fiber contracts, it always contracts to the fullest extent possible. Because a muscle fiber cannot contract partially, this phenomenon is called the all-or-none response.
17. Describe the staircase effect.
A muscle fiber that has been inactive can be subjected to a series of stimuli, such that it undergoes a series of twitches with complete relaxation in between. However, the strength of each successive contraction increases, reaching a maximum. This phenomenon is called the staircase effect.
18. Explain recruitment.
Because all of the muscle fibers in a motor unit are controlled by a single motor neuron, all of the fibers will contract in response to the motor neuron stimulus. When the nerve impulse is so great that one motor neuron cannot handle it; the excess impulse is shunted to other motor neurons. This ability to cause more than one motor unit to respond to a stimulus is called motor unit recruitment.
19. Explain how a skeletal muscle can be stimulated to produce a sustained contraction.
If a muscle is exposed to a series of stimuli increasing in frequency, a point is reached where the muscle is unable to complete its relaxation period before the next stimulus arrives. This stacking of twitches causes a sustained contraction.
20. Distinguish between a tetanic contraction and muscle tone.
A tetanic contraction (tetany) results when a sustained forceful contraction lacks even partial relaxation.
Muscle tone (tonus) is a response to nerve impulses originating repeatedly from the spinal cord, and traveling to small numbers of muscle fibers within a muscle. Muscle tone is responsible for maintaining posture. Muscle tone appears to be a conscious phenomenon because when the person is rendered unconscious, the body will collapse.
21. Distinguish between concentric and eccentric contractions, and explain how each is used in body movements.
Concentric = Shortening occurs If a person lifts an object, the muscles remain taut, their attached ends pull closer together, and the object is moved. The muscle contracts with force greater than resistance and shortens.
Eccentric = lengthening occurs The muscle contracts with less force than resistance and lengthens. Laying a book down on a table is an example.
22. Distinguish between fast-contracting and slow-contracting muscles.
Fast-contracting muscles (white muscles) contain less myoglobin and have a poorer blood supply in relation to slow-contracting muscles (red muscles). They have fewer mitochondria and a reduced respiratory capacity.
They do have a better-developed sarcoplasmic reticulum and a higher ATPase activity. This allows them to
contract rapidly. A slow-contracting muscle has a lot of myoglobin and a well-developed blood supply. They have many mitochondria to carry on aerobic respiration. As a result, they can generate the necessary ATP needed for contraction. They contract for long periods of time prior to muscle fatigue becoming a factor.
23. Compare the structures of smooth and skeletal muscle fibers.
Smooth muscle fibers are shorter than skeletal muscle fibers. Smooth muscle fibers have once centrally nucleus. They are elongated with tapering ends. The actin and myosin filaments are present throughout the
length of smooth muscle fibers but are thinner and more random. The smooth muscle fibers also lack
transverse tubules and their sarcoplasmic reticulum are not well developed.
24. Distinguish between multiunit and visceral smooth muscles.
Multiunit smooth muscle features fibers that are somewhat disorganized and occur as separate fibers rather than in sheets. It can be found in the iris of the eyes and in the walls of blood vessels. Multiunit smooth muscle tissue contracts only after stimulation by motor nerve impulses. Visceral smooth muscle is composed of sheets of spindle-shaped cells in close contact with one another. This type, which is more common, is found in the walls of hollow, visceral organs such as the stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, and uterus. The fibers of visceral smooth muscle are capable of stimulating each other. So, when one fiber is stimulated, the impulse may excite adjacent fibers that, in turn, may excite others. Visceral smooth muscle fibers also display rhythmicity—a pattern of repeated contractions. These two features of visceral smooth muscle are largely responsible for peristalsis.
25. Define peristalsis and explain its function.
Peristalsis consists of alternating contractions and relaxations of the longitudinal and circular muscle fibers. It functions to force the contents of a tube along its length.
26. Compare the characteristics of smooth and skeletal muscle contractions.
Both smooth and skeletal muscle contractions involve the reactions of actin and myosin, are triggered by membrane impulses and the release of calcium ions, and use energy from ATP molecules. The differences
between their contractions are:
a. Skeletal muscles use acetylcholine as the neurotransmitter. Smooth muscle uses acetylcholine and norepinephrine as its neurotransmitters.
b. Several hormones that cause either contractions or alter the amount of response to the neurotransmitters
affect smooth muscles.
c. Smooth muscle is slower to contract and relax than skeletal muscle. However, smooth muscle can
maintain a forceful contraction for a longer period of time with a given amount of ATP.
d. Unlike skeletal muscle, smooth muscle fibers can change length without changes in tautness. As a result,
as the hollow organs become filled, the muscles can stretch without internal pressure changing.
27. Compare the structures of cardiac and skeletal muscle fibers.
Cardiac muscle occurs only in the heart. It is made of striated muscle fibers joined end-to-end, forming three-dimensional networks. The internal components are the same, except that the cisternae of the cardiac fibers are not as well developed and contain fewer calcium ions than skeletal muscle fibers. The T-tubules of the cardiac muscle fibers are more developed and release more calcium ions, which comes from the extracellular fluid, in response to stimuli. This enables the cardiac muscle fibers to maintain contractions for a longer period of time.
The cardiac muscle cells are joined to each other at the ends by means of intercalated disks. These disks help hold adjacent cells together and transmit the force of the contraction from cell to cell. The disks are also low in electrical resistance, so the muscle impulse travels from cell to cell rapidly. Cardiac muscle is self-exciting, rhythmic, and the entire network responds in an all-or-none manner.
28. Compare the characteristics of cardiac and skeletal muscle contractions.
Skeletal muscle can contract individually. Cardiac muscle works in a network. When one portion of the
cardiac muscle network is stimulated, the impulse travels to the other fibers in the network. It then contracts as a unit. It is self-exciting and rhythmic, and the entire network responds in an all-or-none manner.
29. Distinguish between a muscle’s origin and its insertion.
The origin of a muscle is the end of the muscle attached to an immovable part. The insertion is the end of a muscle attached to a moveable part. When a muscle contracts, the insertion is pulled toward the origin.
30. Define prime mover, synergist, and antagonist.
The prime mover is the muscle that is primarily responsible for a certain movement. A synergist is a muscle that aids the prime mover in its action to move a part. An antagonist is a muscle that acts against the prime mover. For instance, if the prime mover raises the arm, the antagonist lowers it. The combination of both the prime mover and antagonist working at the same time will cause the part to remain rigid. This aids in maintaining posture, balance, and locomotion.
Part B
Match the muscles in column I with the descriptions and functions in column II.
1. Buccinator F. Compresses the cheeks
2. Epicranius E. Consists of two parts—the frontalis and the occiptialis
3. Lateral pterygoid H. Pulls the jaw from side to side
4. Platysma G. Extends over the neck from the chest to the face
5. Rhomboideus major C. Can raise and adduct the scapula
6. Splenius capitis D. Can pull the head into an upright position
7. Temporalis A. Inserted on the coronoid process of the mandible
8. Zygomaticus B. Draws the corner of the mouth upward
9. Biceps brachii P. Strongest supinator of the forearm
10. Brachialis O. Strongest flexor of the elbow
11. Deltoid K. Abducts the arm
12. Latissimus dorsi J. Pulls the shoulder back and downward
13. Pectoralis major M. Pulls the arm forward and across the chest
14. Pronator teres N. Rotates the arm medially
15. Teres minor L. Rotates the arm laterally
17. Biceps femoris V. A hamstring muscle
18. External oblique T. Compresses the contents of the abdominal cavity
19. Gastrocnemius S. A plantar flexor of the foot
20. Gluteus maximus U. Largest muscle in the body
21. Gluteus medius X. Abducts the thigh
22. Gracilis W. Adducts the thigh
23. Rectus femoris R. A member of the quadriceps group
24. Tibialis anterior Q. Inverts the foot
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